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[All who have ea]ten my bread
have lifted their heel against me,
and all those joined to my Council
have mocked me with wicked lips.
The members of my [Covenant] have rebelled
and have murmured round about me;
they have gone as talebearers
before the children of mischief
concerning the mystery which Thou hast hidden in me.
And to show Thy great[ness] through me,
and because of their guilt,
Thou hast hidden the fountain of understanding
and the counsel of truth.
They consider but the mischief of their heart;
[with] devilish [schemings] they unsheath a perfidious tongue
from which ever springs the poison of dragons.
And like (serpents) which creep in the dust,
so do they let fly [their poisonous darts],
Vipers' [venom] impossible to charm;
and this has brought incurable pain,
a malignant scourge within the body of Thy servant,
causing [his spirit] to faint
and draining his strength so that he maintains no firm stand.
They have overtaken me in a narrow pass
without escape and there is no [rest for me in my trial].
They sound my censure upon a harp
and their murmuring and storming upon a zither.
Anguish [and sufferings seize me]
like the pangs of a woman in travail,
and my heart is troubled within me.
I am clothed in blackness
and my tongue cleaves to the roof [of my mouth];
[for I fear the mischief of] their heart
and their inclination (towards evil) appears as bitterness before
The light of my face is dimmed to darkness
and my radiance is turned to decay.
For Thou, O God, didst widen my heart,
but they straiten it with affliction
and hedge me about with darkness.
I eat the bread of wailing and drink unceasing tears;
truly, my eyes are dimmed by grief, and my soul by daily
[Groaning] and sorrow encompass me
and ignominy covers my face.
My bread is turned into an adversary
and my drink into an accuser;
it has entered into my bones
causing my spirit to stagger and my strength to fail.
According to the mysteries of sin,
they change the works of God by their transgression.
Truly, I am bound with untearable ropes
and with unbreakable chains.
A thick wall [fences me in],
iron bars and gates [of bronze];
my [prison] is counted with the Abyss
as being without [any escape]
[The torrents of Satan] have encompassed my soul
[leaving me without deliverance]
Thou hast unstopped my ears
[to the correction] of those who reprove with justice
[Thou hast saved me] from the congregation of iniquity
and from the assembly of Violence;
Thou hast brought me into the Council of ...
[and hast purified me of] sin.
And I know there is hope for those who turn from transgression
and for those who abandon sin
and to walk without wickedness in the way of Thy heart.
I am consoled for the roaring of the peoples,
and for the tumult of k[ing]doms when they assemble;
[for] in a little while, I know,
Thou wilt raise up survivors among Thy people
and a remnant within Your inheritance.
Thou wilt purify and cleanse them of their sin
for all their deeds are in Thy truth.
Thou wilt judge them in Thy great loving kindness
and in the multitude of Thy mercies
and in the abundance of Thy pardon, t
eaching them according to Thy word;
and Thou wilt establish them in Thy Council
according to the uprightness of Thy truth.
Thou wilt do these things for Thy glory
and for Your own sake,
to [magnify] the Law and [the truth and to enlighten]
the members of Thy Council in the midst of the sons of men,
that they may recount Thy marvels for everlasting generations
and [meditate] unceasingly upon Thy mighty deeds.
All the nations shall acknowledge Thy truth,
and all the peoples Thy glory.
For Thou wilt bring Thy glorious [salvation]
to all the men of Thy Council,
to those who share a common lot with the Angels of the Face.
And among them shall be no mediator to [invoke Thee],
and no messenger [to make] reply;
for ...
They shall reply according to Thy glorious word
and shall be Thy princes in the company [of the Angels].
They shall send out a bud [for ever]
like a flower [of the fields],
and shall cause a shoot to grow into the boughs of an everlasting
It shall cover the whole [earth]
with its shadow [and its crown] (shall reach) to the [clouds];
its roots (shall go down) to the Abyss
[and all the rivers of Eden shall water its branches].
A source of light shall become an eternal ever-flowing fountain,
and in its bright flames all the [sons of iniquity] shall be
[it shall be] a fire to devour all sinful men in utter
They who bore the yoke of my testimony
have been led astray [by teachers of lies],
[and have rebelled] against the service of righteousness.
Whereas Thou, O my God, didst command them to mend their ways
[by walking] in the way of [holiness]
where no man goes who is uncircumcised or unclean or Violent,
they have staggered aside from the way of Thy heart
and languish in [great] wretchedness.
A counsel of Satan is in their heart
[and in accordance with] their wicked design they wallow in sin.
[I am] as a sailor in a ship
amid furious seas;
their waves and all their billows roar against me.
[There is no] calm in the whirlwind that I may restore my soul,
no path that I may straighten my way on the face of the waters.
The deeps resound to my groaning
and [my soul has journeyed] to the gates of death.
But I shall be as one who enters a fortified city,
as one who seeks refuge behind a high wall until deliverances [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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