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Matrix..........................................5 C1
To Manizales
Bolvar Desnudo...........................6 C1
Catedral de Nuestra Seora de la
Pobreza....................................7 C1
Ecotermales San Vicente..............8 D4
Gran Hotel...................................9 D2
Hotel Abadia Plaza...................... B1
Hotel Catalua............................ D2
Hotel Dann Soratama.................12 C1
Hotel de Pereira.......................... E4
To Medelln (222km);
Hotel Tequendama..................... B1
Cali (234km)
Hotel Verona.............................. E1
El Balcón de los Arrieros..............16 A1
Iglesia del
Grajales Autoservicios.................17 C1
La Fonda de Julia........................ B1
Nutrivida..................................... B1
Restaurante El Tnel................... B1 HHHH
Municipal Gobernación
4 SHOPPING Herrera
del Risaralda 13
Centro del Comercio..................21 D1
Avianca Office...........................22 D1 To Bus Terminal (1.5km);
Monumento a
Armenia (49km)
HHH Los Fundadores
Transportes Florida.....................23 F2
www. l o n e l y p l a n e t . c o m
Z O N A C A F E T E R A " " P e r e i r a
Lonely Planet Publications
Carrera 6
Carrera 7
Carrera 8
Calle 26
Calle 25
Calle 24
Calle 23
Calle 22
Calle 21
Calle 20
Carrera 9
Calle 19
Calle 18
Calle 17
Calle 16
Calle 15
Calle 14
Calle 13
Calle 12
Carrera 10
Carrera 11
Carrera 12
Avenida del Ferrocarril
Carrera 13
Avenida 30 de Agosto
Lonely Planet Publications
178 ZONA CAFETERA " " Perei ra www.lonelyplanet.com
Information Hotel Abadia Plaza (%335 8398; hotelabadiaplaza@
INTERNET ACCESS etp.net.co; Carrera 8 No 21-67; s/d US$58/70) This styl-
There are Internet cafs throughout central ish new place is as close as Pereira comes
Pereira. Access costs about US$1 per hour to a boutique hotel, with original art on the
in most places. walls, plush rooms with marble bathrooms
Cybernet (%335 0554; Plaza de Bolvar, Calle 19 No and noise-resistant windows.
7-49; h8am-9:30pm Mon-Sat, 10am-8pm Sun) Large, Hotel Verona (%333 5525; Carrera 7 No 14-19; s/d
centrally located and open evenings and Sundays. US$10/17) This place is slightly removed from
Matrix (%335 5708; Carrera 8 No 20-58) the center in a rather seedy area around
Parque La Libertad. Rooms are basic, and
MONEY front rooms are bright but also loud. In-
Banco Unión Colombiano (Carrera 8 No 20-61) Reliable ternal rooms are quieter but dark.
banks changing traveler s checks include this one. Other Hotel Tequendama (%335 7986; fax 334 3079;
banks may also cash your traveler s checks, and give cash Carrera 7 No 22-34; s/d US$21/34) With large rooms
advances on Visa and MasterCard. around a pleasant courtyard, this centrally
Bancolombia (Carrera 8 No 17-56) Also a reliable bank. located hotel is a bargain. The problem is,
Giros & Finanzas (Centro del Comercio, Carrera 7 No the place is noisy thanks to an adjacent
16-50) The agent of Western Union. casino. Still, beds are good, service is
friendly; a good option for heavy sleepers.
TOURIST INFORMATION Hotel Dann Soratama (%335 8650; Carrera 7 No
Dirección de Fomento al Turismo (%324 8030; Car- 19-20; s/d US$30/45; On the main square,
rera 7 No 18-55, Piso 6; h8-11:30am & 2-4pm Mon-Fri) this glass-and-concrete monolith is not par-
In the Palacio Municipal. ticularly beautiful to look at, but it offers the
most upmarket rooms in the center of the
Tours city. Some upper floors have fine views.
The office of San Vicente thermal baths, Hotel de Pereira (%335 0770; www.hoteldepereira
Ecotermales San Vicente (%333 6157; www.sanvi .com in Spanish; Carrera 13 No 15-73; s/d US$74/95;
cente.com.co; cnr Calle 16 & Carerra 13) sells day pack- The city s poshest hotel has every
ages to the springs (US$16), which include amenity, including a pool, extra security
return transport, admission to the baths, and huge rooms ranged around a spacious
lunch and two short walks. The office also internal courtyard. Note that it s slightly
provides information, books accommo- removed from the heart of the city.
dations and runs transport to the springs
(US$5 return). See Ecotermales San Vicente Eating
(p180) for more information. La Fonda de Julia (%333 7848; Carrera 7 No 23-15;
mains US$4-8; h9:30am-10:30pm) Set around an
Sleeping airy, brightly painted courtyard, this place
Pereira has plenty of accommodations in all serves up good meat dishes, an excellent
price categories. Rates are reasonable. All cazuela (fish in coconut sauce) and other
prices listed include private bathroom. seafood dishes.
Gran Hotel (%335 9500; www.granhotelpereira.com Restaurante El Tnel (%335 0226; Carrera 7 No
in Spanish; Calle 19 No 9-19; s/d US$44/50) Once the 23-41; set meals US$2.50, mains US$3-7; h7:30am-
city s top hotel, this grandly proportioned 10pm) This traditional eatery serves a variety
art deco mammoth is looking a bit thread- of plates from different regions (including
bare these days. The good news is that the lechona or suckling pig) and serves a gener-
original architectural details are still intact, ous set-menu lunch for US$2.50.
and it is slowly undergoing restoration. Grajales Autoservicios (Carrera 8 No 21-60; meals
Rooms are spacious, with huge windows US$3-6; h24hr) At this large, self-service 24-
and high ceilings; some have balconies. hour restaurant-cum-bakery you can put
Hotel Catalua (%335 4527; fax 333 0791; Calle 19 together your own lunch or dinner. It s also
No 8-61; s/d US$14/18) With clean, spacious rooms good for breakfast.
just a half block from Plaza de Bolvar, this Nutrivida (%335 0187; Calle 22 No 7-24; meals US$2;
place offers excellent value. Rooms facing the
hnoon-2:30pm Mon-Sat) This health-food store
street are brighter and some have balconies, serves decent vegetarian lunches, including
though they re also subject to street noise. soup, main course, salad, juice and dessert.
Lonely Planet Publications
www.lonelyplanet.com ZONA CAFETERA " " Marsel l a 179
El Balcón de los Arrieros (%335 3633; Carrera 8 No admission US$1.25; h8am-6pm) is a great intro-
24-65; mains US$4-6; hnoon-9pm) Decent paisa- duction to the rich yet fragile ecosystems of
style fare like lengua (tongue), chorizo (saus- the Zona Cafetera. An hour s walk along its
age) and churrasco (grilled meats), served cobblestone paths leads you through bam-
around a wooden courtyard that is slightly boo groves and past orchid-bearing trees to
sagging these days but pleasant enough. a museum devoted to local birds and insects.
It also includes a series of simple mechanical
Getting There & Away devices that explain physical phenomena,
AIR as well as the Museo de la Cauchera (Slingshot
The Matecaa airport is 5km west of the Museum)  part of a campaign to protect
city center, 20 minutes by urban bus, or birds from local kids, who had made sport
US$2 by taxi. Avianca operates eight flights killing birds with slingshots. Over the years
a day to Bogot, from where you can make they have deposited dozens of caucheras
connections to other destinations. ( slingshots) in exchange for free entrance
to the park and other allurements.
The bus terminal is about 1.5km south of Cementerio Jess Mara Estrada
the city center, at Calle 17 No 23-157. Many Designed by Julio Csar Vlez and con-
urban buses will take you there in less than structed in 1927, Marsella s cemetery (admission
10 minutes. free; h8am-6pm) is a masterpiece of funerary
There are regular departures to Bo- architecture. Built on a slope about a 10- [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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