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BLISTERS! They are the body's own best defense. DO NOT PUT ICE ON THE BURN! Cold water for 15
minutes.(running water is best, but immersion is O.K.) DO NOT PUT BUTTER ON THE BURN! Aloe
Vera lotion will soothe without irritating. Xeroform (petroleum in guaze), zinc oxide, or Silvadene cream
can be used on blisters once opened. if allergic to Sulfa, be cautious with use of Silvadene. Wrap gauze
LOOSELY around/on burn. Expect healing in 2 weeks. Watch for infection.
THIRD DEGREE: Also known as "Full Thickness" or "major" require medical attention as quickly as
possible, as this type of burn affects internal organs and can result in shock quickly. The appearance of
third degree burns varies from pearly white to dark, leathery brown.
BURNS TO MUCOUS MEMBRANES: Eyes, nose, mouth, genitalia... Require much more attention than
burns to dry skin. Flush these areas with cold water for at least 20 minutes, and seek available medical
treatment as soon as possible.
LARGE AREAS OF BURNS: For multiple burn areas of more than two to three inches, treat as if they
were a grade up. IE; treat a large area of second degree burns as a third degree burn, as there may be risk of
compromising internal organs.
CHEMICAL BURNS: Treat as above, but in addition, continue to flush with cold watery 20 minutes flush,
break the blisters, 20 minutes flush) for as long as moderate to severe pain persists.
Section 9  Home Preparedness
Home Preparedness
This booklet has been designed to be brief but informative. The objective is to get you started in the right
direction. You will be able to modify and add to the lists and instructions in this booklet based on your
particular circumstances and means. Check with local authorities as well as the others in your
neighborhood who might have experience in this field. Apply common sense when making your
preparations. Your local Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has detailed checklists
available. The Complete Disaster Home Preparations Guide by Robert Roskind is an excellent source for
detailed lists and is available at most bookstores and libraries.
Learn all you can about potential hazards and the means to avoid or survive them. Evaluate the equipment
and supplies you currently use in the household, then evaluate the equipment you don t normally use, but
that could come in handy in case of emergency (camping gear, etc). Once you have identified the
equipment you will use and deem it appropriate, continue by adding other equipment and supplies as you
are able. Soon you will have the proper equipment to deal with situations lasting a few hours to a few days,
weeks or months. You must plan both for evacuation, and the possibility of having to stay within your
home. Develop plans and obtain equipment and supplies for extended emergencies lasting a few weeks,
months and even years.
It is up to you, the reader, to decide what is best for you. Every individual and situation is different. Use
your best judgment based on the information that is available to you. Take necessary steps to protect
yourself, your family and your community from the hazards of terrorist activity, accidents, and nature.
The Family Plan
Protecting your family during an emergency or disaster can be very stressful and traumatic, especially for
the children. For this and other reasons we suggest you have your house and family as prepared as possible
before having to activate your family plan. This will help to decrease stress and also help to ensure that
your plan is executed in an orderly fashion.
We recommend involving your children in the planning process, and when activating your family plan
during an emergency. While developing your family plan include various scenarios. Will you be staying in
your home or shelter? Will you be packing your belongings to relocate? Will you be at work and the kids in
school when an event occurs? Take each of these situations into considerations when preparing your plan.
Give your children individual tasks to complete during each situation and scenario. Assign the size and
importance of each task according to their age and maturity level. Run through your plan every now and
again as a drill. Make your children aware that it is not a game, but an important task. Try to keep them
relaxed while performing their designated duties. If they make a mistake, go over it with them until they are [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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