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He cleared his throat.  Look, I didn't mean....
Just then the Eternity rolled to a stop in front of a large concrete bunker with a
small booth , which he supposed must be a guard post out front. The booth was
empty and the parking lot to one side of the bunker was deserted.
 This isn't right, Laura mumbled, sounding worried. She directed the Eternity to
roll down her window and then stuck out her head.  Hello? she called.  Anybody
 What's wrong? Vince leaned forward, concerned.
Laura shook her head.  Somebody's always here. They never leave the com. site
unguarded even if the Lepids aren't scheduled to be on the grounds. I've never seen
it so quiet.
 Well, maybe this could work to our advantage. Let's go on in, see what we can
Laura shrugged.  All right, why not? But I doubt we'll find anything if there's
nobody here. Actually, I was hoping to talk to one of the guards, maybe find out if
anybody has been taking fresh scales as the Lepids shed them in the com.
chambers. They're supposed to be kept in isolation for twenty-four hours until the
dust dies but I thought maybe....
 You still think it's a person--some sick bastard grabbing the scales and
committing the abductions and your ex's murder, Vince said. The Eternity was
rolling past the deserted guard post and into the wide expanse of blacktop that
served as the parking lot.
Laura looked at him.  You don't?
He shook his head.  Don't know. I have this gut feeling that the Butters have to be
involved somehow.
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 Look, Vince, no offense but you don't know the Lepids. They're cold and utterly
logical. I just don't see why--
 What about that last message Gerald sent you? he interrupted.  What kind of
deal went down out here and who do you think made it?
She shook her head.  I .... I just don't know.
 Well, let's see if we can find out. Come on. Vince got out of the car and headed
for the concrete bunker. After a moment he heard the swift clicking of high heels
that told him she was following.
* * * *
The heavy door was unlocked, another no-no according to Laura who had been
prepared to use her pass to get in. Inside the bunker was startlingly bare and dimly
lit. There were no hallways or rooms, just a large, open space that faded to black at
the far end.
Vince blinked.  Why is it so dark in here?
Laura shrugged.  That's the way the Lepids like it. They see a different spectrum
of colors than we do.
At the far side near the rear entrance were three smoked glass booths, nearly
opaque from the outside. Dimly, through the dark glass, Vince saw that each booth
had two chairs in it, facing each other. Laura nodded at them.
 Communication booths, she said.  The glass helps focus emotions by keeping
the pheromones in a confined place. Vince thought her face looked pale in the
dim light. They walked towards one of the booths, her heels tapping loudly in the
echoing silence.
 How does it work? Vince examined the two uncomfortable looking plasti-mold
seats that faced each other in the first booth.
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Laura shivered and crossed her arms over her breasts protectively.  The VIP sits
here. She pointed to the first chair.  The sensitive sits there. She pointed to the
far chair.  And the Lepid stands behind the sensitive. The ... their wings come
around and surround ... surround the sensitive and.... She shook her head.
 Hey. Vince touched her arm and she flinched slightly.  It was hard for you,
wasn't it?
She shrugged.  It's ... invasive ... draining. Hard to explain. I got used to it after a
He peered into the other two booths.  No free scales anywhere. Could they be
anyplace else?
Laura looked troubled.  No. They land here, just outside behind the building--
there's a field for it out there-- come in for the communications, and leave. They
never go anywhere else.
 Least that's what they want us to think. Just as he said the words there was a low
click and the door behind them started to open.
 Quick! Laura grabbed his arm and they ducked into one of the smoked glass
booths, the middle one, and crouched between the plasti-mold seats.
 ...not my fault you botched the job, a southern voice with a nasal twang was
saying.  You were told to make it look like a burglary and you did a piss-poor job
of it, McMurtry. Damn idiotic military shit heads. The last was said with a deep
contempt rather than any real anger.
 The man assigned has been reprimanded and busted down several ranks, Sir, I
can assure you of that. And you must admit that girl was well handled. The other
voice was deeper and carried a note of resentment. Two pairs of footsteps tapped
on the cold tile floor.
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